LAI/CILIP Annual Conferences


Event Statistics

Date: October 2020; April 2019
Venue: Crowne Plaza Dundalk; Killashee Hotel Kildare
Relationship: Core PCO
Partners: 25
Speakers: 44

About the Conference

The Library Association of Ireland and the Chartered Institute Library & Information Professional (CILIP) Ireland hold an all island conference in Ireland annually. The Conference is addressed to Library and Information practitioners from all types of libraries and at all stages of their career. The Conference aims to provide a forum, opportunities and time for attendees to share practice, meet colleagues and hear of the work of libraries. Annually the Conference identifies a broad theme and invites proposals for presentations and posters.

What the delegates thought

“I thought this year’s conference was really well organised. I was very impressed with the care taken to provide me with a hearing device so that I could hear the speakers…”

“Mainly congrats on an excellently organised conference. The time-keeping was great. I loved the supplier quiz and really valued hearing from all library sectors”

Conference Supporters


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